

What are rectants?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are rectants?
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What are some sources of CO2?

The rectants in photosynthesis are CO2,water and sun

How does the stability of products compared with the rectants?

the products are much more stable than the reactants. Most likely due to how its outer electron cloud is filled.

What are the rectants in the equation of cellular respiration?

Respiratory substrates like carb., proteins or fats and oxygen in a living cell containing several enzymes in cytoplasm and mitochondria.

What is a product of a reactant?

the product of an equation is the multiples made by them

Water molecules are a reactant for?

For example water react violently with alkali metals.

When you burn wood a combustion reaction where in the products side of the equation are the wood ashes if the only products are water and carbon dioxide?

If your only products are H20 & CO2 then the rectants in your equation must only contain those elements. In actual fact wood contains many more elements that just Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. For example wood ash contains Potassium compounds among other substances.

What is the name of substance that slows reaction?

The substance that slows down a chemical reaction is an inhibitor. Instead you could also call an inhibitor an anticatalyst.-anticatalyst `antee'katlist1. (chemistry) a substance that retards a chemical reaction or diminishes the activity of a catalyst

CH4 plus O2 CO2 plus H2O?

I assume you were looking to balance the reaction: CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 +2H2O

Why is the activation energy pictured as a hill in two diagrams?

The activation energy diagram is drawn as a hill because there is a large amount of energy needed to form the unstable transition state (viewed as the upward slope on the diagram). The difference between this peak energy and the rectants' energy is the activation energy. When this state decomposes in to more stable products (which are more stable than the reactants), the energy of the molecules is lower, thus the downward slope after the peak. ----------------------------- Activation energy is the energy at the potential barrier between the two fields with low energy (at left and at right) representing the sum of energies of reactants and products; the reaction is possible if the activation energy can exceed this barrier. And in a graphic this is the pic of a hill.

What symbol is used to show that a chemical reaction goes in both directions?

I can't draw it using this font and I can't copy it from paste, so here is a description. The top is the top half of an arrow pointing from left to right. The bottom is the bottom half of an arrow pointing from right to left. This signifies that not only do reactants produce products but also products react to form the starting rectants.

How does photosynthesis and cellular respiration form a cycle?

The two chemical reactions essentially form a cycle, in that the products of one reaction fuel the other. CO2 and H2O released from cellular respiration reenter the atmosphere and are recycled by photosynthetic organisms, which in turn produce the sugars and oxygen needed for respiration to occur once more. This is right! :) Follow me on twitter! @diamondiemeary

What must be on both sides to balance a chemical equation?

1).You may only put numbers in front of molecules, never altering the formula itself.2).Balance complicated molecules with lots of different atoms first. Putting numbers in front of these may mess up other molecules, so use the simpler molecules to adjust these major changes.and another tip that's useful is if you regconise the atoms making up a standard group such as sulphate, nitrate, phosphate, ammonium etc. that survive unscathed throughout the chemical reaction, treat them as an indivisible item to be balanced as a whole.