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Q: What are red -red spotted newts climate?
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What are red spotted newts related to?


Do red spotted newts eat leaves?


What is the red spotted newts job in life?

to live and eat bugs.

Are red spotted newts endangered?

The eastern newt is not endangered. The eastern newt the aquatic larvae go through a terrestrial stage before later maturing.

What organism is the spotted salamander closely related to?

Salamanders are related to newts.

What do newt look like?

baby newts don't have anything in commen with grown up newts i have a red spotted newt and it's a baby and it has not so many spots as the grown ups do so there you have it

What type of salamander is a spotted salamander?

There are different types of spotted salamanders. Depending on the color there are many types. My personal favorite is the red spotted newt. Newts and salamanders are pretty much the same thing but newts live more in water. Salamanders also can live in the water but you will mostly find newts there. Different kinds of spotted newts/salamanders are: Black and yellow spotted, Blue spotted, and Red spotted salamanders/newts.

Do newts eat fish food?

a newt may eat fish food i tried it with my female and male red spotted newts and they ate it HINT:just sprinkle a little bit of fish food on the top of their water if you put a little to much in they might get sick or die.

Where do yellow spotted newts live?

Yellow spotted salamanders, sometimes called newts, live in the eastern part of the United States and Canada. They live in the ground or under leaf litter and lay their eggs in seasonal pools in forested areas.

What do newts turn into?

Newts like frogs are hatched form transparent eggs laid in fresh water. Newts metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile called an EFT, and adult Newt. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and may be either fully aquatic, living permanently in the water, or semi-aquatic, living terrestrially but returning to the water each year to breed.

Red and black spotted coy fish mean what?

they are red and black and spotted

What is all the classifications of a newt?

there are hundreds of species of newts and salamanders, most of which are terrestrial but some are aquatic. This is true, there are alot, and some popular ones are Oregon newts, fire belly newts, red belly newts.