

What are red stars called?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I think you are referring to red giants.

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Q: What are red stars called?
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What are small red stars called?

Small red stars are called red dwarves. They are the least luminescent and coldest stars.

What color are small cool stars?

The large hot stars are typically called "blue-white" stars or also Blue Giants. Cooler large stars are called Red Giants.

Are red giant stars the largest?

Yes red giants are the largest. But the bigger stars of red giants can be called red hyper giants.

Do blue stars and red giant stars have similar brightness values?

No blue stars are the largest and brightest stars know of. (They are also called Hypergiants). Red giants are dimmer.

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If they have red stars including giants in, they can't be all that featureless.

Did red dwarf stars get that name because they burn the hottest of all stars?

No, red dwarfs are called such because of their reddish color. They are the coolest of the main sequence stars. Blue stars are the hottest.

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In astronomy, stars of spectral type M (the stars with the coolest temperature) are classified as red stars. Mars is called the Red Planet because of the reddish color

Is there a film called red ocean?

We cannot locate a film called Red Ocean. Maybe you meant Red October? It is about a submarine and stars Sean Connery. Or possibly Red River? It is about a cattle empire in Texas and stars John Wayne.

What are Large stars that are bright but not hot are called?

They are red giants.

What are featureless galaxies that contain old red main-sequence stars and red giants called?

With red giants and main sequence stars they are not entirely featureless, therefore there is no name for them.

Large bright stars that are fairly cool are called?

Red giants.

Majority of stars are small cool type-M stars?

Correct. M-type stars on the main sequence are called red dwarfs.