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Q: What are relationships between warehousing and other departments?
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Relationship between store and other departments?

All organizational departments are supported by the stores, but the relationships between Purchase, which supplies the stores with food, and Production, to which the stores provide diverse materials, are the strongest. Purchase and Stores: The two aspects of materials management, Purchase and Stores, work in tandem.

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The marketing department must rely on the other departments to develop their strategies for how they market the products. If the marketing department did not have access or communicate with other departments, it would not be able to advertise and market their products.

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The chart shows relationships between staff in the organization which can be: * Line - direct relationship between superior and subordinate. * Lateral - relationship between different departments on the same hierarchical level. * Staff - relationship between a managerial assistant and other areas. The assistant will be able to offer advice to a line manager. However, they have no authority over the line manager actions. * Functional - relationships between specialist positions and other areas. The specialist will normally have authority to insist that a line manager implements any of their instructions.

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E-sh ma 1

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if i would have known i could have written in my exam

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