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Q: What are scientist who study motion forces and energy to explain?
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What is the name of the scientist who studied motion forces and energy?

Isaac Newton.

Who studies forces energy and motion to explain the way things work?


What is phisicist?

its a person who studies motion, forces, and energy to explain the way things work

What type of scientists study motion forces and energy to explain the way things work?


What do you call a person who studies motion forces and energy to explain the way things work?

physicist :]

What scientist studies forces and motion?

a physicist

What do call someone thats studies motion force energy to explain the way things works?

physicist's study motion forces and energy to explain the way things work

What scientist created 3 laws to explain the motion of the universe?

Isaac Newton.

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forces and motion

What kind of Scientist studies motion force energy?


What scientist studies motion force and energy?

A physicist.

Which scientist studied forces and the motion of objects and introduced his 3 famous laws of motion?

That refers to Sir Isaac Newton.