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is there life other than ours?

are there any other earth like planets in the universe

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Q: What are scientists able to investigate thanks to satellites?
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What questions are scientist be able to answer to the power of satellites?

Thanks to the power of satellits, scientists can answer questions related to outer space and Earth's weather, among many other things.

What new questions are scentist able to investigate thanks to the development of satellites?

Far too many to list them all. There are several advantages of doing your observations from a point that isn't at the murky bottom of Earth's atmosphere.

What happens if forensic scientists did not exist?

police wouldn't be able to investigate crime scene investigations

What objects have scientists been able to send to space?

All satellites, rovers, manned and unmanned rocketships

What objects have scientists been able to send in to space?

All satellites, rovers, manned and unmanned rocketships

How are scientist able to identify the different types of galaxies?

The scientists are able to identify the different types of galaxies by high powered telescopes and by examining the pictures sent by various satellites orbiting the universe.

How do scientists measure temperatures in antarctica?

There are a few research stations where scientists live and take observations, and there are many more automated weather stations. But to get a more uniform measurement, scientists use satellites that are able to measure in the thermal infrared part of the spectrum, which measures temperature.

What is weather analyst?

A weather analyst is someone who should have ample knowledge in meteorology and is able to read and translate data collected by satellites. They should also be able to investigate weather changes, and gather information for weather forecasts and report writing purposes.

What is the effect of science to technology?

Through science, we are able to discover new ways of doing things and improve on what we already have. Thanks to science, we have many things today, such as lasers, and satellites.

Greek philosophers were NOT scientists because they?

Greek philiosphers are not scientists because they did not have the technology back then to be able to investigate or speculate origins of species and thus, everything was intellectually thought out using rationaliy and common sense....Scientists are able to look at atoms, particles etc and what have you under a microscope... Greeks had ideas and collaboration of other philisophers to discuss/debate thus reaching to final conclusion at hand.

Should scientists be concerned if they cannot prove that global warming is happening?

Scientists would be relieved if they had not been able to prove that global warming is happening. They could move on and investigate more fruitful areas of science, feeling that at least this is one problem they do not have to worry about. It is because scientists have proven that global warming is happening that they are concerned.

How are satellites able to transfer TV signals?

Yes they are.