

What are seam lines?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are seam lines?
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How can you emphasise the seam lines of a garment?

To emphasize seam lines, you can flatten the seam flaps inside the garment and then sew them down on both sides of the seam on the outside of the fabric in contrasting colored thread. Another idea is to add a contrasting trim to the seams of the garment, like rick-rack, braid, or sequins.

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What is a double stitched seam?

.... This question is open to interpretation. Knits and spandex sportwear/swimwear is finished on a serger or overlock machine. Two neat stitch lines appear on the 'right' side of the garment. When you reverse the fabric you see that these stitch lines are connected (overlocked). Double stitched may refer to two rows of stitching you typically see on Denim jeans. This is a flat felled seam- no loose ends or seams to overcast to prevent the denim from unravelling. A double stitched seam may be straight stitching on a seam and then stitching another row alongside it.

What are the different types of seam finishes?

The three types of seam are Plain seam, French seam and Ancient or Old German flat seam.

What is a curved seam?

a curved seam is a seam that is curved

What do you call the lines formed by sewing 2 pieces of materials together?

When two pieces of fabric are sewn together a seam is formed.

What is an open seam?

An open seam is a general purpose seam. An open seam is two pieces of fabric sewn together, and then the seam allowances are pressed open, creating a flat and clean seam line on the right side of the fabric.

What is a closed seam?

An enclosed seam, or a French seam, is a seam that is sewn with the wrong sides of the fabric together. A second seam is usually sewn with the right sides together so that the first seam is enclosed.

What are the points which determine the choice of seam?

You need to explain what seam you mean? A seam of coal? A seam in a jacket?

What is in the seam of shirts?

A seam is where two or more bits of cloth are overlapped. A seam consists of cloth.

What are the different types of seam?

There are 11 types of seams which include: abutted, enclosed, exposed, false french, flat-felled, french, fused, glued, hairline, lapped seam with raw edges, and finally overedged seam.

What is a garment is shaped to follow the lines of the body?

It is a seam: a line along which two pieces of fabric are sewn together in a garment or other article.