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Q: What are several objections to lamarck's theory of evolution?
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How is lamarcks theory of evolution different from theory of evolution?

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What were Darwin's best arguments in favor of his theory of evolution what were the most serious objections to it?

Darwin's best argument in favor of the theory of evolution was natural selection. The most serious objections came from religion.

Who created the modern theory of evolution?

There are several theories to explain evolution, though evolution itself is not a theory. Perhaps the best known is Darwin's theory through natural selection.

What are the differences between Darwin's and lamarcks theory of evolution?

Larmark's theory was based on the idea that organisms inherited characteristics that they had acquired in life - so, if you have a scar your offspring will have scars. Darwin's theory assumed that offspring inherited characteristics from their parents, but they were more likely to survive to breed if there was advantage to those characteristics.

How was Darwin's theory of evolution different from lamarcks?

In Darwin's theory, natural selection plays the key role. Organisms vary through random mutations--slight changes from their parents. The environment determines which are most likely to survive. In Lamarck's theory, changes in phenotype are inherited. This is now known to be (largely) incorrect.

Does the existence of intermediate forms support or not support the theory of evolution?

Intermediate forms are predicted by evolutionary science in several ways. Their presence supports the theory of evolution.

Who founded the modern theory of evolution?

There are several different theories of evolution. The most successful is by Charles Darwin through natural selection.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and language evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.

What is the difference between the theory of language and evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.

What was the last scientific theory to challenge the theory of evolution?

No scientific theory ever challenged the theory of evolution.

What cell theory contradicts evolution?

No theory contradicts evolution. Evolution is the basepoint of all Biology.

Why was evoloution only gradually accepted?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, was accepted pretty much bu the time Darwin came on the scene. The theory of evolution by natural selection was a harder sell. Not only were there religious objections, which were silly, but scientific objections to the theory that developed toward the end of the 19th century as genetics took off. These objections were to the possibility of natural selection being the actual driving force of much of evolution. Many geneticists were " saltationists ", that is they though evolution happened in large mutations instead of a more gradual process. Not until about 1930 when the mathematical joining of biology and genetics, called the new synthesis, come about was Darwin finally vindicated in most of his ideas about natural selection.