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There are two types of sex cells: a sperm cell and an egg cell, belonging to the male and the female respectively. During sexual intercourse, lots of sperm cells swim up to the egg cell which is waiting in the uterus (womb) and one and only one sperm cell can fertilize the egg. Each of the cells contain genetic information from the parents to be passed onto a baby and each contain 23 chromosomes each. If the fertilization is successful, a pregnancy can start and a baby will begin to grow.

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6mo ago

Sex cells, also known as gametes, are specialized cells involved in sexual reproduction. In humans, they are the sperm cells (male) and egg cells (female). Sex cells reproduce through a process called meiosis, which involves two rounds of cell division resulting in the formation of four genetically unique haploid cells. During fertilization, a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, combining their genetic material to form a zygote, which then develops into a new organism.

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Yes, mitosis produces somatic cells for growth and repair of the organism.

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Plant cells don't have specific sex cells because they are asexual creatures. Asexual meaning they reproduce by means of the cell division or mitosis, not by one cell fertilizing another, like most animals cells do during meiosis.

What does cells reproduce?

if your asking how cells reproduce they can usually reproduce asexually[all by themselves].

What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells?

Diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromosomes, reproduce by mitosis, and are usually somatic cells. Haploid cells contain one complete set of chromosomes, reproduce by meiosis, and are usually sex cells.

Why does your body go through mitosis?

Your body does not go through mitosis, but rather your cells do. The cells in your body go through mitosis to reproduce. This is how non-sex cells, or somatic cells make more of themselves. Sex cells do not go through mitosis, but instead go through meosis.

How do eukaryotes cells reproduce?

Cells can reproduce through mitosis and meiosis.

Where do the new cells reproduce?

the cells reproduce where they are located, and the stratum basale is where the are, next to the stem cells.

Is it you or your DNA that reproduces?

You reproduce, but your DNA replicates. DNA is constantly being copied in your cells - when cells divide, the new cells contain DNA which was synthesized in the original cell. When you reproduce, it is your DNA (genes) which you pass on to your offspring. Without DNA, you would not be able to reproduce. One half of your chromosomes (23 chromosomes) are contained in the gamete (sex cell) that you provide for sexual reproduction. These chromosomes are passed on to your offspring when you reproduce.

What do one celled Protists usually reproduce?

It Like Has a baby grow off of it and then it breaks off.