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You might start bloating, (I did) but some people don't. You will get cramps and head aches, and you will discharge. You will probably be 12 or 13, but some people don't get it until they're 16, or as early as 8!

I know it's embarrassing, but I did it. Ask you mom or your older sister when they started their period. I asked my older sister, but it wasn't so direct, I kinda joked about it because I was embarrassed.

For more answers go to It's a great website. I go there all the time. It will definitely help you for more period questions, questions about maturing/growing up, and more.

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Some girls start their first period at 8 or 9 years old, while others don't start it until they're 15 or 16. The average age is 12 or 13. The best way to figure out when you may start menstruating is to look for other signs of development, and ask your mom or older sister when they started their first period. First, your breasts will start to develop, and hair may begin to grow in the pubic area (between your legs) and in your armpits. During this time you may notice a whitish discharge from your vagina. This is normal. A few months after that, you'll likely start your first period. When it actually begins, you might feel dampness on your underwear, which is probably a few drops of blood.

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How long does it take till you get your first sign off pregnancy?

It depends on when your next period is.If you miss a period then that's a sign.

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No this is not a sign of pregnancy. Typically the first sign of pregnancy will be a missed period.

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The first sign is the missing of a period and that takes 3-4 weeks after pregnancy results.

Is spotting considered first day of period?

No it is not.. The first day of a full flow is considered the first day of your cycle.NO! because it is just spotting not your real period it might be a sign of your period beginning to approach!

What is the Keyboard sign for period?

" ; " <------------- This is THE period sign on keyboard!!

Do you start developing when you get your period?

The first time you get your period, it is a sign that you are going through puberty. When you get your period for the first time, you may or may not have already started to get boobs, pubic hair, broader hips, weight gain and height growth. If you haven't, then your first period is a sign that it will probably happen soon. However, for some people, they don't go through these other changes until up to about five years after their first period

Why do you spot before your period?

Well,with some people,if you haven't had your first period yet,it could be a sign of it coming on.also,others signs of you getting ready to start a first period is the breasts getting bigger.

Is brown discharge a sign of starting period?

yes. when u first get ur period it will mostly be just brown discharge. but when u get ur second period it will be real!

Is craving foods a sign of your first period?

Yes! Especilly if it's chocolate or your favorite food.

When things taste metallic is it a sign of pregnancy?

Some women get funny tastes but it is not a sign of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy you will get is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure.

Is light red period blood a sign of pregnancy?

Light red period blood is a sign of a period. Spotting may be a sign of an implantation bleed if very minor.