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Q: What are signs of over nutrition?
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What is the difference between overnutrition and undernutrition?

Under nutrition is signs of more serious malnutrition This is when nutritional reserves are depleted and nutrient and energy intake is not sufficient to meet day to day needs or added metabolic stress. Over nutrition is an excess of nutrient and energy intake over time. In a sense, over nutrition is another form of malnutrition, especially when excess caloric intake produces harmful body weight.

How can under-nutrition and and over-nutrition occur in the same population?

Usually under nutrition is associated with poverty. If a population has different economical ranks within it, the wealthy are often to be over nutrition while the poor are under nutrition.

What are signs of bad nutrition?

Some signs of bad nutrition are fatigue, inflammation, and sores at corners of the mouth, diarrhea, ridged nails, mood changes, weight changes, symptoms of sores at corners of the mouth (called angular cheilitis) and may be caused by a deficiency in iron.

How has the understanding over nutrition changed over time?

its hasent

What is over nutrition and under nutrition?

Over nutrition is when you eat too many calories and under nutrition is when you don't eat enough. Malnutrition means you're eating enough calories but aren't getting the right amounts of required vitamins and nutrients.

What Is a mixotroph?

Mixotrophic nutrition is a type of dual nutrition where in light the organisms performs photosynthesis while in dark it switches over to saprophytic nutrition. Example of mixotrophic nutrition is Euglena.

What are the signs and symptoms of poor nutrition?

poor dry skin, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, pale

In the US diseases related to over nutrition are more common than nutrition deficiency disease?


What is mixotrophic nutrition?

Mixotrophic nutrition is a type of dual nutrition where in light the organisms performs photosynthesis while in dark it switches over to saprophytic nutrition. Example of mixotrophic nutrition is Euglena.

How has sports nutrition changed over years?


What is a feature of malnutrition?

If a person doesn't get adequate nutrition they have malnutrition. Some signs of this include low weight, sickness, and dry eyes.

How you know something is living?

Simple it will show the signs of MRS NERG Movement Respiration Sensitivity Nutrition Excretion Reproduction Growth