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Q: What are signs you may have cancer?
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Related questions

What signs of the zodiac are water signs?

In Western astrology, the water signs are Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. These signs relate to the creatures of crab, fish and scorpion, and are emotional signs.

Is cancer a illness?

Cancer is a disease. There are many forms of cancer.

What are the signs of breast cancer in stage 2?

The different stages of breast cancer refer to how far the cancerous tumor has spread in the body. In Stage 2, the cancer is still relatively small and contained in the breast. It may or may not have reached the lymph nodes.

What sign is cancer most compatible with?

have you ever heard the phrase opposites attract? Well cancer's and Capi's May be opposites but they work amazingly well together. Capi's and Cancers both need loyalty and honesty. Underneath it all they are both rather passionate signs. If married and faithful their relationship could last a lifetim!!!

What are the causes of rectal cancer and the signs one should get a rectal exam?

The cause of rectal cancer are not all known. However, you should get a rectal exam if you experience unusual tiredness, nasuea, bloody stools, abdominal cramps, and a change in bowel habits. These may be signs of rectal cancer.

What are the medical signs of cancer?

Medical Cancer signs will depend on the type of cancer. For instance breast cancer symptoms will be pain in breast, lump in breast. Lung cancer will show the symptoms like coughing, chest pain

What are signs for testicular cancer?


What are signs of uterine cancer and do diet changes help?

If you have any unusual bleeding or discharge, this can be an early sign of uterine cancer but as there may be other reasons for this symptom, check with your doctor.

What are the most common cancer signs?

Cancer symptoms will vary depending on the type and severity of the cancer. However, there are three signs that are fairly universal. Those are fatigue, weight loss, and fever.

What are signs of a cancer?

Cancer is a water sign from June 21 to July 22.

What are the symptoms of penile cancer?

The main symptom of penile cancer is a change in the skin of the penile. The skin may change color, become thicker, or tissue may build up in one area. Some men may notice an ulcer (sore) or a lump on the penile.

What are the early signs of oral cancer ?

A few early signs of oral cancer are sores in the mouth, they are usually white or red dots that have a velvety feel to them. You may experience other symptoms as well; such as, weight loss, ear infections, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing.