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They are both herbivores so are vegetarian.

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Q: What are similarities between a giraffe and elephants diet?
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What is an elephants diet?

elephants eat grass and bushes

What is the African elephants diet?


What is the Asian Elephants diet?


How much food do Asian elephants eat?

Between 125 and 175 pounds of food a day. The bulk of their diet is hay.

Why do elephants have a diet of leaves and trees?

They have a diet of leaves, trees and grasses, because they are herbivores.

What is the white lion's diet?

wildebeest, zebra, waterbuck, kudu, and giraffe

Why giraffe has a long neck and spotted skin?

A giraffe has a long neck to reach the foliage on trees that is its staple diet. The spotted skin serves as camouflage.

What do modern day elephants eat?

Their diet consists of usually leaves and poop.

Do elephants eat lumps of volcanic rock?

Certain species of elephants have been known to climb to volcanoes and consume lumps of volcanic rock. This volcanic rock is rich in sodium, important for the elephants diet.

What is the purpose of a giraffe?

the purpose is to remove toxic chemicals from the giraffe's diet. it is known that a person can get high from eating giraffe's liver because of the high THC (chemical that makes you high from marijuana) concentration.

Whats a giraffes food chain?

giraffe-leaves and twigs. Its that simple, they don't have that much of variety in their diet.

What is the definition of giraffe?

It is a seven legged purple sluggish kind of animal. Raccoons are its diet, and sometimes possums.