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I don't really know but you might have to read the passage you have on your paper.

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tycondo kickbockigng and the silent chai for unamrned combat with a ronin/enemy

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The samurai's train in swords and Archery.

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Mia Alamillo

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More than a day......

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about 24/half hours

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Q: What are skills and training you need to become a samurai warrior?
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How long does it take for an apprentice to become a warrior?

It typically takes an apprentice in a warrior training program a few years to build the necessary skills and experience to become a full-fledged warrior. The exact timeline can vary depending on the individual's progress, dedication, and the training program's requirements. Generally, apprentices undergo rigorous training, mentorship, and assessments before achieving the rank of a warrior.

Why hasn't Berrypaw become a warrior?

Berrypaw may not have become a warrior yet due to still being in training or not having completed all the necessary skills and assessments required to become a warrior. Other factors, such as leadership decisions or clan dynamics, could also play a role in delaying Berrypaw's warrior ceremony.

Why did Zen Buddhism appeal to Samurai Warriors?

Zen training in the instantaneous appreciation of a situation and the concurrent and equally instantaneous initiation of a response is the essence of the warrior skills. As a backup to this skill set the philosophy that actions are neither good or bad, but that they just "are" removed the expectation of remorse.

What skills do you need to be a samurai?

the samurai were abolished by the emperor of japan during the meiji era. as a result it is no longer possible to attain the status of samurai. however before the meiji era samurai were required to study the Bugei Juhappan which refers to 18 martial skills to be learnt by the common Japanese warrior. on top of this samurai were supposed to learn noncombat skills such as poetry, flower arranging and etiquette.

When does cloudkit become a warrior?

He becomes a warrior after the battle over sunningrocks in a dangerous path. Bluestar at the time had doubt in StarClan and when she sees that Cloudtail doesn't believe in them she makes him a warrior but not any other apprentice.

What training skills are required to become a model?

not you cuz you are fugly

Who would win a spartan or a samurai?

Spartan warfare relied on group tactics, although they did have good single combat skills. One-on-one, a samurai would probably win, as they are taught purely the art of swordfighting. However, as a group, the Spartans would probably come out on top. Check that again, if a Spartan could beat a ninja like on deadliest warrior, it could definitly beat a samurai, if it came that close to a viking He is correct, as it was proven on deadliest warrior, and i believe the weakest spartan can definitely KO a samurai, and have a 95% chance to kill a average samurai If you saw the deadliest warrior season 1 special you saw that samurai got 3 edges and spartan still won

How long did it take to become a samurai?

Becoming a samurai can take many years, as long as it takes to learn the martial arts, archery, fencing and many other skills.

How old did you have to be to become a Celtic warrior?

Celtic warriors typically started training in combat skills from a young age, around 6-7 years old. They would go through years of training and experience before joining battle as full-fledged warriors in their late teens or early twenties.

What did Muslim warrior have to learn from skills and training?

they had to learn how to shoot a bow and throw a spear and use a sword and they needed a lot of skill to do all of this stuff

What are the skills of a ninja and a samurai?

Budo Taijutsu

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Air conditioning training will depend on the kinds of skills your husband already has. If he already has good mechanical skills, he can become a repairman in as little as 3 months.