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Q: What are small fibers of a muscle fiber called?
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True or false smooth muscle fibers are located in small skeletal muscles?

smooth muscle fibers are located in small skeletal muscle

What type of sensory receptors are made of very small skeletal muscle fibers?

muscle spindles

What type of sensory receptors are made up of very small skeletal muscle fibers?

muscle spindles

Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

Yes. Myelinated fibers have a myelin sheath around them which keeps the impulse from scattering and on a direct path. This makes the impulse travel faster than unmyelinated fibers.

What is the process of excitation contraction coupling?

cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

What is the name of small contractile elements of skeletal muscle fiber?


What is the General organization of a muscle belly?

The muscle belly is the main bulk of the muscle, made up of many layers of tissue surrounded by fascia (sheets of connective tissue running throughout your body). The structure of a muscle, from macro (large) to micro (small) is: 1. muscle belly - a bundle of fascicles 2. fascicle - a bundle of fibers 3. fiber - a muscle cell (bundle of myofibrils) 4. myofibril - a bundle of myofilaments 5. filament - actin & myosin proteins The fascia in the muscle, called deep fascia (as opposed to superficial fascia which lies just beneath the skin) has 3 layers: 1. epimysium - an overcoat of dense connective tissue surrounding the entire muscle 2. perimysium - fibrous connective tissue that surrounds each fascicle (bundle of muscle fibers) 3. endomysium - sheath of connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber

What type of sensory receptors are made up of very small skeletal muscle fiber?

muscle spindles

What is the name of the muscle attached to the hair follicle?

The root of each hair follicle is connected to the small arrector pili muscles are small muscles attached to hair follicles in mammals. Each arrector pili muscle has a bundle of smooth muscle fibers which attach to the follicular units which have nerves.

Describe the structure of cardiac muscle?

unlike the heart muscle, which is an involuntary muscle, the skeletal muscles are voluntary(movement by choice). these muscles rely on joint mobility with the skeletal bones for leverage. this joint mobility exists because of the tendons that attach muscle to bones through connective tissue, and the types of connective tissue depends on the joint connecting the bones

What is defibrillation?

Very rapid contractions or twitching of small muscle fibers in the heart often need to be stopped. A mechanism that does this is called a defibrillator. The act itself is call a defibrillation. Many times the top chambers of the heart go into fibrillation and are not as severe as the ones that occur in the bottom chambers called the ventricles. These must be stopped as quickly as possible.

What happens when you pull or sprain a leg muscle?

Sudden pain that occurs in the calf muscle during activity may be the result of a pulled or torn calf muscle. This is called a calf strain or a calf pull. It occurs when part of the muscles of the lower leg (gastrocnemius or soleus) are stretched beyond their ability to withstand the tension. This stretching can result in small microtears to the muscle fibers or, in a severe injury, a complete rupture of the muscle fibers.