

What are some Asperger's symptoms in teenagers?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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The typical Asperger's symptoms in teenagers is the lack of interest in general teenager activities such as social interaction with friends. They typically will prefer to be alone.

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Q: What are some Asperger's symptoms in teenagers?
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Some of the symptoms of aspergers include failure to make eye contact, failure to pick up on facial cues, unusual facial expressions, and an inability to connect with others. These symptoms may change as a person gets older and learns how to better adapt to society. is an excellent resource to learn more about syndrome, as well as

Do people with aspergers believe in religion?

Yes, some do some don't.

Can aspergers just appear?

No you are born with it and symptoms/signs should be evident at a young age typically around 2 to 4 years old.

How come people don't want to be friends with people who have aspergers?

People with aspergers dont have many friends because they are shy but some people will play with aspies and make friends with them. I have aspergers but have a good amount of friends. People with aspergers are aslo morelikely to be bullied so they might get a reputation as being weak

Do people with aspergers like math?

Not all people with aspergers like math. One of the aspergers myths, is that they all love and/or are gifted in math. However, some do seem like they're gifted in math, while others might have trouble.

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I have aspergers and find myself a chatterbox to a friend and rather silent to my mother. IDK :p She gets annoyed though but what can i say? People with aspergers may or may not experience selected mutism.

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It is a more severe version of aspergers

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Some teenagers do, and some do not.