

What are some VBS commands?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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13y ago

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VBS Commands A-Z


Abs(number) Absolute (positive) value of number

.AppActivate Activate running command

Array(el1,el2,el3) Add values to an Array variable

Arguments.Item .Count and .length

Asc(String) Return ASCII code for string

AscB(String) Return Byte code for string

AscW(String) Return Unicode code for string

.BrowseForFolder Prompt the user to select a folder


Call subroutine (arguments) or subroutine arguments

CBool(expression) Convert expression to Boolean (True/False)

CByte(expression) Convert expression to Byte (0-255)

CCur(expression) Convert expression to Currency (numeric)

CDate(expression) Convert expression to Date

CDbl(expression) Convert expression to Double (up to 1.79x10308)

Chr(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (ASCII code)

ChrB(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (Byte code)

ChrW(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (Unicode/DBCS)

CInt(expression) Convert expression to Integer

.CreateObject Create a WSH automation object

.CreateShortcut Create Shortcut

cscript Run a VBScript .vbs file


Date() The current system date

DateAdd Add a time interval to a Date

DateDiff Return the time interval between two dates

DatePart Return a unit of time from a date

DateSerial Return a Date from a numeric Year, Month and Day

DateValue Return a Date from a string expression

Day(date) Return the day component of date (1-31)

Dim Declare a new variable or array variable

Do..Loop Repeat a block of statements


Drive Map .MapNetworkDrive - .Enum - .Remove


.Echo Echo text to screen, also StdOut.Write /.Popup

End End a procedure or code block

Environment Variables - Expand - .Delete/Remove

Escape(String) Return only ASCII characters from a Unicode string.

Eval(expr) Evaluate an expression

.Exec Run a command

Exp(n) Return e (base of natural logs) raised to a power n.

Exit Exit a block of code immediately


FileSystemObject Work with Drives, Folders and Files

Filter Produce an array by filtering an existing array

Fix(number) Return the integer portion of a number

(negative numbers round up)

For...Next Repeat a block of statements a given number of times

For Each... Loop through the items in a collection or array

FormatCurrency Format a number with a currency symbol

FormatNumber Format a number

FormatPercent Format a number with a % symbol

FormatDateTime Format a Date/Time value

Function Define a function procedure


GetLocale() Return the Regional LocaleID

.GetObject Get an Automation object

Hex(number) Return the hex value of number

Hour(time) Return the hour component of time


If..Then Conditionally execute a block of statements

InputBox Prompt for user input

InStr Find one string within another

InStrRev Find one string within another, starting from the end

Int(number) Return the integer portion of a number

(negative numbers round down)

IsArray(varname) Is varname an array? True/False

IsDate(expression) Is expression a DateTime? True/False

IsEmpty(expression) Is expression empty? True/False

IsNull(expression) Is expression a DateTime? True/False

IsNumeric(expression) Is expression a Numeric? True/False

IsObject(expression) Is expression an object? True/False


LCase(String) Return String in lower case

Left(String,len) Return the leftmost len characters of string

LeftB(String,len) Return the leftmost len bytes of string

Len(String) Return length of string in characters

LenB(String) Return length of string in Bytes

Log(number) Return natural log of number

.LogEvent Log an item in the Event log

LTrim(String) Remove any leading spaces from a string expression


.MapNetworkDrive Drive Map

Mid Return a mid-section from a string

Minute(time) Return the minute component of time

Month(date) Return the month component of date

MonthName Convert a month number to a descriptive Month

MsgBox Display a dialogue box message

Now() Return the current Date and Time


On Error Error handling

Option Explicit Force all variables to be defined


.AddPrinterConn / .AddWindowsPrConn Add Printer connection

.EnumPrinterConnections List Printer connections

.SetDefaultPrinter Set default printer

.RemovePrinterConnection Remove printer connection

Private VarName Declare a local variable/array variable

Public VarName Declare a public variable/array variable


.Quit Quit


Randomize(number) Initialise the random number generator

.ReadLine Accept user text input

ReDim Resize a dynamic array

RegExp Regular expression search object

.RegDelete Registry, delete

.RegRead Registry, read

.RegWrite Registry, write

Replace Find and replace text

Right(String,len) Return the rightmost len characters of string

RightB(String,len) Return the rightmost len bytes of string

RGB(Red,Green,Blue) Return a system color code

Rnd Return a random number

Round Round a number to n decimal places

RTrim(String) Remove any trailing spaces from a string expression

.Run a command


Second(time) Return the second component of time

Select...Case Conditionally execute a block of statements


Set variable = object Assign an object reference

SetLocale(LocaleID) Set the Regional LocaleID

Sgn(number) The sign of a number

Shell.CurrentDirectory Retrieve or change the current directory

Shortcut create .CreateShortcut


.SpecialFolders Path to Desktop,Start menu, Programs...

Split Parse a string of delimited values into an array

Sqr(number) Square root

StrComp Compare two strings

String Create a string with a single character repeated

StrReverse Reverse a string

Sub Start a subprocedure


Time() The current system time

Timer() The number of seconds since midnight

TimeSerial Construct a Time value from Hours, Minutes and seconds

TimeValue Convert a string to a Time value

Trim(String) Remove leading and trailing spaces from string


UBound Return the largest subscript for an array dimension

UCase(String) Uppercase String

UnEscape(Str) Return Unicode characters from an escaped ASCII string


Weekday Return the day of the week (1-7)

WeekdayName Return the named day of the week

While...Wend Conditionally repeat a block of statements

With Assign multiple properties of an object

wscript.Name Wscript properties: name, version, mode

Year(date) Return the year component of date (1-12)

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go here: all commands are listed on the official website of CoEmu ;)

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VBS stands for Visual Basic Scripting. It is used for Win9x and later versions of windows. It can be used for registry maintenance, Command Prompt (CMD), and also for pranks (as I do so myself). This is an example of a message box code: x =msgbox("Hello",0, "This is a VBS message box") Put this in notepad or wordpad and save as: anything you want to name it.vbs

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