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scandium (SC) was discovered by Lars Fredrick Nilson in 1879. the atomic number is 21, in period 4, classified under metallic(metal), in group 3. it also has a density of 2.99 kg/cm[cubed]. its a silver-white color which devolpes a slightly yellowish or pinkish color when exposed to air.

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The Element Scandium is defined as...
A silvery-white metallic element found in various rare minerals and separated as a by-product in the processing of certain uranium ores. An artificially produced radioactive isotope is used as a tracer in studies of oil wells and pipelines.
What are the origins of the word Scandium ?
Originates from the Latin word Scandia meaning " Scandinavia".
Scandium is classified as a "Transition Metal" which are located in Groups 3 - 12 of the Periodic Table. An Element classified as a Transition Metals is ductile, malleable, and able to conduct electricity and heat.

Scandium was discovered by Lars Nilson in 1879. Per Teodor Cleve discovered scandium oxide at about the same time as Nilson. In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev, using his periodic law, predicted its existence and some properties of this element, which he called ekaboron.
Obtained from minerals thortveitile and wiikite in Scandinavia and Malagasy
23rd most abundant element in the sun
50th most abundant element on Earth

Common uses of scandium
Used as a tracer in studies of oil wells and pipelines

Name of Element : Scandium
Symbol of Element : Sc
Atomic Number of Scandium : 21
Atomic Mass: 44.95591 amu
Melting Point: 1539.0 °C - 1812.15 °K
Boiling Point: 2832.0 °C - 3105.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Scandium : 21
Number of Neutrons in Scandium : 24
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Density @ 293 K: 2.989 g/cm3
Color of Scandium : silvery-white

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How many electrons are in the scandium valence shell?

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Elements that have some characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal are called semimetals or metalloids.

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What is the classification of scandium?

Scandium is used to make high intensity lightbulbs. Scandium is mostly found on the sun and stars. Scandium is a silvery, white, metal. Scandium is used added to mercury vapor lamps so that they will emit light that closely resembles sunlight. Scandium is also added to baseball bats and expensive, sturdy bikes.

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Is scandium in the human body?

Elemental scandium is not considered to be toxic. Little animal testing of scandium compounds has been done.[29] The median lethal dose (LD50) levels for scandium(III) chloride for rats have been determined and were intraperitoneal 4 mg/kg and oral 755 mg/kg.[30] In the light of these results compounds of scandium should be handled as compounds of moderate toxicity. or you can look up "scandium element" and go to wikipedia hope i helped :D

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dont know, sorry

Is scandium combustible?

Scandium is considered a flammable material. Scandium is considered as flammable.

Is scandium a natural resource or a nonrenewable resource?

Scandium occurs naturally, although it is possible some isotopes of it can be made synthetically.