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Q: What are some achievements that the ancient Phoenicians made?
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What are some lasting achievements of the Phoenicians?

1: The Phoenicians created the Phonetic alphabet which was later adopted by the Greeks and developed into our modern alphabet. 2:The Phoenicians founded and navigated with the North Star. 3: The Phoenicians were the first to create see through glass.

Where did the Phoenicians get their cloth from?

Most often, they - or more precisely: their women - made it themselves or they imported it, because the Phoenicians traded all over the ancient world and cloth was actively traded between countries. The art of making cloth from wool and cotton is some 7,000 years old, so it was well-developed when the Phoenicians were around.

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What were some of Phoenicians ways of life?

Phoenician mariners sailed to Mediterranean and southwestern European ports. The Phoenicians were the great merchants of ancient times. They sold rich treasures from many lands.

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Their belief in many gods known as polythiesm

How where the achievements useful in ancient Greece?

In some cities, they had written language, which is a sign of smartness.

What are the achievements in architecture in ancient Greek?

Some of the achievements were arches in buildings and we still use it today and dome buildings like the Los Angeles Colosseum