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Q: What are some advantages and disadvantage is of settlers of Greece physical geography?
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What were the advantage and disadvantage of Italy's geography for settlers?

they sucked dick

How did physical geography affect the settlement of Fremont?

the settlers didn't know the places they were setyling

How did physical geography influence the cultures of the regions first settlers?

Geography is the science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be SWEET POTATO "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes -

How did the natural geography of the US influence the route that settlers on the Oregon trail followed?

settlers wanted to stay close to the Missouri River.

The geography of greece encouraged the early settlers to form communities that were?

Small and Independent.

How did the natural geography of the United states influence the route that settlers on the Oregon trail followed?

Settlers wanted to stay close to the Missouri River.

What was an economic consequence in new England's geography?

Settlers established a commercial and industrial economy.

Can physical geography affect the routes of migration?

Most certainly. A major example of this would be the trans-Siberian Land Bridge which settlers used to cross into North America. It is likely that more of this kind were used to get from place to place.

How does the physical geography of Latin America and the Caribbean affect people lives?

Humans have settled on Latin America's mountains and plateaus for thousands of years. The mountains' cooler climates and rich natural resources-water, volcanic soil, timber, and minerals- attracted settlers. The regions's rugged terrain isolated communities, but new technology is breaking down the physical barriers.

How did geography play a role in the settlement of the north carolina colony?

Geography played a major role in the settlement of the North Carolina colony. The settlers choose the colony due to the land features which promoted growth of various cash crops.

What approach did European settlers in America often take toward their physical environment?

There was really no concern for the environment as there is nowadays. European settlers treated the environment like they did in Europe.

What was the greatest physical barrier for settlers heading to the west between 1801 and 1861?

Roky mountains