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Q: What are some advantages of a country being suraround by water?
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What are advantages if any of a country being separated from its nearest neighbor by a body of water?

Being separated from a neighbor by a body of water can provide a natural barrier that enhances security and protection from potential conflicts or invasions. It can also promote a sense of distinct national identity and sovereignty. Additionally, the body of water can offer economic benefits such as access to maritime resources and opportunities for trade and transportation.

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You do not have to depend on other countries for water you can get it right here in thier own country...

Advantages of alluvial soil?

There are so many advantages of alluvial soil. Some of the advantages include being fertile, higher water retention capacity as so much more.

What are the advantages of using an industrial water filter?

The advantages of using an industrial water filters come in a wide spectrum of ways. From being able to be implemented in new or existing systems to taking care of the smallest flow of water in batches.

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There are many advantages to installing water filitration systems. Some advantages are a better quality of water and a healthier tase

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Monsoon helps in lowering down the temperature of the country. it provides with lot of water which can be used by us in many purposes.

What are the advantage of being an archipelagic country like the Philippines?

so we are rich in water resources because we are sorrounded by water

What advantages earth has based on its position in the solar system?

it has the advantage of being the only planet to support life and supply fresh water

Why is it difficult to get water?

If a country has difficulties getting water it is most likely due to a source being contaminated or the area has no fresh streaming water.

How does your latitude affect the water soil resources and biodiversity in the country?

by being nearer to equator

What are the advantages of a national water plan?

Advantages of a national water plan include alleviation of water deficiency and efficient resource allocation and utilization

What advantages does a Chi dryer have over other dryers?

Chi dryers are superior to other dryers by allowing water to stay in the hair and by being extremely light and quiet. More advantages can be found on the Ulta website.