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I just can think of "Zèbre" for zebra , "zébu" for zebu, and "zorille" for "zorilla"

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Q: What are some animal names starting with Z in the French language?
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Are there animal names that start with e in the french language?

yes the elephant

Are there animal names that start with W in the French language?

Only words borrowed from other languages, such as Wombat.

What is a way to use french as a noun?

French is the language which the French speak, particularly in France. French is used as a noun twice here. The first time it names the language. The second time it names the people.

Are there animal names that start with Q in the french language?

Quiscale: a north-American bird, quetzal: a central-American bird and Quokka: an Australian marsupial

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The word for the French language, "français," is masculine in French.

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Ulysses, either way names are the same in the french language

Are there animal names that start with p in the french language?

Yes. One example would be poissons(fish). Others: pic (woodpecker) phoque (seal) poulet (chicken)

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Are there animal names that start with X in the french language?

xanthie (a butterfly), xénarthre (a group of American mammal species), xérus (an African ground squirrel), xiphophore (a fresh water tropical fish) are the only four such animal names. pussy

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Although about 30 countries recognise French as a official language alongside others in very few countries is it the first language. They are France and Monaco.