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Q: What are some animals that most people have never seen before?
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he loves both people and animals because we and the animals are his creations.

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Not all animals, but most mammals do, hence why people have periods (people=mammals)

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Most people never seek to be famous

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It was traded for sugar as most of the people who have always lived here have never tried sweet food before.

Where do sea turtle get killed most?

Sea turtles are killed most often on the shore, before or shortly after hatching. Foxes, seagulls, and other animals that frequent the shorelines feed off of the young turtles. Most never make it to the water.

Which animals help people?

A lot of animals help people, but the most helpful is probably a dog. You can train them to do almost everything. A lot of animals help people, but the most helpful is probably a dog. You can train them to do almost everything. A lot of animals help people, but the most helpful is probably a dog. You can train them to do almost everything.

Do echidnas like people?

No. Echidnas are protected native animals. It is illegal to have one as a pet.

What makes a story with animals as characters different from biographies or short stories?

Biographies are about people, not animals. Most short stories are also about people, but some of them are about animals as well. Most animal stories tend to treat the animals as though they were people, which is different from nonfiction.

Do most people know they have diverticula?

Most people never know that they have diverticula

Is there a reason you could recognize people you are certain you have never seen before?

most of the time it is due because someone looks like someone you have seen before and might not be the same person.

What was the importance of dolly the sheep?

Dolly the sheep is one of the most important animals in history. She holds this distinction because she was the first animal ever to be cloned.