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Q: What are some arguments against Patrick Henry's speech to the 2nd Virginia convention?
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Patrick Henry speech in the Virginia convention complaints against the British?

Patrick Henry's "Speech to the Virginia Convention" was a proposal to raise Virginia's milita in order to one day execute a complete break from Britain and also to raise Virginia's defense.

Who were at the constitutional convention?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were in Europe so they couldn't make it to the convention. Patrick Henry was also missing it and he was against the convention.

What evidence does Patrick Henry provide for his reasons that war was around the corner?

Speech to the Virginia Convention. 1. The main purpose of Patrick Henry 's speech at Virginia Conference, was to convince the delegates to secede from Britain; moreover, to fight back against them. He antagonizes Britain by imputing every hardships they faced to Britain.

The Virginia resolves against the stamp act were introduced by?

The Virginia Resolves against the stamp act were introduced to the Virginia house of burgesses by Patrick Henry in 1765

The virginia resolves against the Stamp Act were introduced by who?

Patrick Henry

Who convinced the house of burgesses in Virginia to speak against the new tax?

Patrick Henry Convinced The Virginia House Of Burgesses To speak Against The New Tax

Who wrote Patrick Henry's famous speech?

The most famous speech that Patrick Henry gave, that includes the words, "Give me liberty or give me death," was given before the Virginia Provincial Convention, in 1775. Henry was urging that the Virginia militia be armed for the defense of the colony against England.

Which famous Americans were not present at the 1787 constituntional convention?

Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.

What rational arguments does Patrick Henry use to convince his readers to believe as he does?

the past conduct of the British government proves that England has no intention of granting the colonies' petitions.

Most vocal colonist against the Stamp Act of 1765?

Patrick Henry was the most outspoken colonist against the Stamp Act of 1765. Patrick Henry was a U.S. Founding Father, and twice served as Governor of Virginia.

Who led protest in Virginia and persuaded the burgesses to take action against the stamp act?

Tom Burgeron led the protests over the Stamp Act in Virginia.

Arguments against endangered species?

try doing some reseach on arguments against it then reverse it