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Schindler's List is a great realistic Holocaust movie. It is based on a real person and real events that did occur. The Pianist is another true story. The Diary of Anne Frank is a good movie and has been made several times but they all are the same true story. Playing for Time is a great story and is actually based on true events. It is about a woman prisoner in Auschwitz who is a singer/pianist who becomes a part of an orchestra with other ladies so they will not be made to perform hard manual labor and/or executed. They receive some special treatment by the Nazi's they perform to but at what cost? These are 4 good Holocaust movies that are true and realistic which sometimes the two don't go together.

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12y ago

Here are some of the most awsome movies about the Holocaust...........

1. Anne frank whole story

2. The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas

3. Fatless 2005

4. schindlers list

5. The devils arithmetic

6. The Pianist

Anne frank whole story: this movie begins from the begining of 139 which is way before she received her diary and end is how she died

The boy in the stripped pajamas: Bruno is a boy who's dad is a nazi and they move to a house and he found himself a concentration camp were he lives and he finds a boy who is a Jew and surely they become friends but when Bruno is going to go finds schumms dad which is the other boy Bruno unfortunantly dies in the gas chamber pretending to be a Jew.

Fateless: After the boys dad was sent to a labor camp this boy went to work a police stopped the bus and was located in austwitchz con camp and then he goes through the worst time ever.

The Devils Arithmetic: This normal avarge teenager living during the 2000 was a Jew and they were celabrating passover and when this women opens the door to Elijah she frinds herself in 1940s where her parents died and she is living with her cousin and aunt and sooner she was sent to a concentration camp and was torture the time she was there.

The pianist: A pianist during World War 2 who is a Jew.

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Sophie's Choice (1982), Schindler's List

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Q: What are some best movies of the Jews and the Nazis?
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This question is odd. It is formulated in a way that suggests there was an actual war between 'the Jews' and the Nazis. There was the Holocaust, in which the Nazis murdered about 6 million harmless and defenceless Jews. That began in late 1941/early 1942. The idea that there was an actual war between Jews and Nazis is false.

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Technically, the Nazis, SS, Ukrainians, and Hungarians carried out the task. Some Jews, called kapos were also collaborators.

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