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Abdominal pain, weakness and tremors. You may also experience chest pain, breathing problems and fainting.

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Q: What are some black widow bite symptoms?
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What symptoms are caused by black widow spider bites?

The first signs of a black widow bite are sharp pain and swelling or redness at the bite location. Later symptoms include muscle spasms, chills, fever, vomiting, headache, stupor or restlessness, and high blood pressure.

Where do black widow spiders live?

Black Widow spiders live mostly in New England, and some have been seen in other bordering states. Black Widow spider bites are not very common and if you get a bite, you will know, because the pain is excruciating. If you are sure that you have a Black Widow spider bite, you absolutely need medical attention by a doctor.

What are some of the adaptations a black widow uses to stay alive?

Black widows are usually in warm climates and hide in dark places. They also bite people.

Is there a anti venom to a black widow bite?

There is no cure that I know of, but I do know how to catch them, get them on the broom and put them in a bottle, then, put it in the freezer.I DON'T recommend this.I am only 13. There is an ani venom available but is dangerous to administer & usually not needed.

Worst to get bittin by is a black widow or a tarantula?

The worst symptoms with a tarantula bite are a bit pain full but the black widow's poison is worst. The black widow spider produces protein venom that affects the victim's nervous system. Some people are slightly affected by the venom, but others may have a severe response. The first symptom is acute pain at the site of the bite though there may only be a minimal local reaction. The local pain may be followed by localized or generalized severe muscle cramps, abdominal pain, weakness, and tremor. In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, faintness, dizziness, chest pain, and respiratory difficulties may follow.

What does the top of a black widow spider look like?

The top is shiny black. Some have a red hourglass on the underside, some are solid black. See the Related Link for pictures of black widow spiders.

What are some spider bite symptoms?

Some symptoms of spider bites include itchiness, swelling, bruising, redness and pain. There is a clearly more swollen area around the spot of the bite.

How poisonous is a black widows bite?

Their venom is more poisonous than a rattlesnake's by volume, because it can only be produced in very small quantities.Anyone bitten by a Black Widow spider should seek medical attention immediately.Most individuals will experience substantial pain and tissue swelling within a few seconds after the bite, so where possible they should not operate vehicles.

What happens if a blackwiddow bites you?

If a black widow bites you it will inject its poison into you. The skin in the area of the bite will become red and may turn black and die, along with some of the muscle. You may also get very ill from the venom and develop kidney or liver problems. You could even die. It's best to see a doctor immediately if you are bitten by a black widow.

What the most poisonous spider in Arizona?

The poisonous spiders are only two of them:The Brown recluseThe Black Widow.Be careful and watch out while on a hike. Check out some pictures at your local nature center or the one close to you. Have a nice day!

How do you sell a live Black Widow?

Advertise for a buyer. Please check your local laws however, it is unlawful in some places to sell 'dangerous animals' and a Black Widow is certainly dangerous.

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Black widow