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Q: What are some changes in technology that helped Europeans to explore new lands?
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What changes in technology helped set the stage for Europeans exploration?

do you go to ivy academia. the astrolable and the compass

The astrolabe and improvements in cartography helped europeans to?

Explore the Western Hemisphere - :)

What advancement in technology helped Europeans make long ocean voyages?


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What kinds of new technology enabed europeans to explore the world?

Europeans had a long history of naval travel going back to the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. During the Renaissance ship building technology improved, so Europeans could explore places they'd never been before.

What technologies helped the europens explore?

The Europeans had horses, gun powder, astrolabes to find their longitude and latitude, and the magnetic compass. They also had sailing ships which Indians did not have.

Who helped Jolliet explore MarquetteCartieror Champlain?

marqutte helped jolliet explore!!

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technology has helped cats.

How did compasses help the europeans?

it helped the europeans becausev they had no maps

How did these changes help lead to the European Age of Exploration?

During the middle ages. Europeans had done little exploring beyond their own shores.Except for the Holy land, they they had very little knowledge of. or interest in, other lands. During the Reinassance , however, Europeans became curious about the world around them. This lead to an interest in science and technology. It also led to the age of Exploration. Hope i helped..

Who helped Lewis and Clark explore?

Lewis and Clark were helped by a team of skilled explorers, including Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide, along with members of various Native American tribes they encountered along their journey. Additionally, they were supported by the Corps of Discovery, a group of soldiers and craftsmen who assisted in navigating and documenting their expedition.