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the grass is greener on the other side.

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Q: What are some common beliefs?
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What are 3 common beliefs?

Some of the most common beliefs are Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Hindu, and Atheism.

What are some common beliefs and practices?

i dont know. answer it urself!

What are some sport common beliefs?

Practice makes perfect.

What are some facts about the Toltecs?

They shared common gods and religious beliefs with the Aztecs.

What are some common beliefs for science?

That cause does cause effects. That the universe is real.

What are some of the common beliefs of Buddhism?

The Four Noble Truths The 8 Jewels

To develop a sense of nationalism a group of people must have what?

Have some beliefs and values in common.

Why Muslim contradict Christian?

Islam & Christianity have some common beliefs but certainly they have different beliefs including dogmatic ones since they are different religions.

What colony did john winthrop lead and what were some of the common beliefs found there?

John Winthrop lead a large migration of Puritans. This started in England and the beliefs were strict.

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What do beliefs have in common?

Depends one what you are referring to

What do the martyrs have in common?

They died for or because of their beliefs