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Common flu like symptoms include Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Runny nose, muscle/body aches, Fatigue and even diarrhea. The flu symptoms are much worse on elderly and children and can be fatal if not treated right away.

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Q: What are some common flu like symptoms?
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What are the symptoms of the onset of flu?

Some of the symptoms for the flu are the same as the common cold, but there are a few symptoms that you only get with the flu. The most common of these symptoms are a fever of 101 or higher, body and joint aches, and a headache. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with other cold like symptoms we recommend seeing your Dr. about the flu.

What are the common flu symptoms and how to prevent the flu?

Common flu symptoms can include cold-like symptoms of coughing and sneezing to fevers and sluggishness. A good way of trying to avoid getting the flu is washing your hands after touching possibly contaminated surfaces so that it doesn't spread.

Anyone ever get flu like symptoms from poison oak sumac rash?

It's not common for poison oak to cause flu symptoms. However, it can cause allergy symptoms which can appear similar to those of a flu.

What are the most common symptoms of flu?

There are many symptoms of the flu. The most common symptoms of the flu include a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, coughing, a sore throat, a runny nose, fatigue, nausea, and chills.

What are the symptoms of Swine Flu?

The danger of Swine Flu is that it has almost the exact same symptoms as the regular flu which makes it hard to diagnose. Some common symptoms of both of these influenza viruses include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and headaches.

What are some common bird flu symptoms?

The Bird Flu virus manifests itself in a variety of ways. The symptoms of Bird Flu are running nose, high ever, harsh cough, overall lethargy, and general fatigue.

Do you lose appetite with Swine Flu?

Some people do, but not all. Some people also can have vomiting and diarrhea with the H1N1/09 flu, but it is less common than most other symptoms of the flu.

What do you have if you show Flu like symptoms red spots on belly?

flu like symptoms,red spots on belly,and nausea

What sickness feels like a flu?

Many viruses cause similar symptoms to those of the flu, and the complex of general symptoms of the flu can also be common in other infectious diseases or other non-infectious conditions. Many viral infections and flu-like illnesses cause similar symptoms to those caused by influenza viruses. These are often present in viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu"), and the common cold, for example. Sometimes these symptoms can come from other and non-infectious conditions, such as early pregnancy, allergies, toxic chemical exposure, etc. The symptoms might include: headache, nausea, malaise, fatigue, cough, body aches, fever, and dizziness, to name only a few of the more common symptoms that are referred to as flu-like. See the related questions below for more complete lists of cold and flu symptoms.

What is the most common symptom of pneumonia?

Pneumonia normally starts off with flu like symptoms (a cough and fever).

Shared Symptoms: The Flu and the Common Cold?

The flu is a seasonal illness that everyone is at risk for catching. Those that receive a flu shot from their doctor are less likely to contract this untreatable illness, but not immune to it. The flu is, unfortunately, not treatable with antibiotics. Even if you make an appointment to see your doctor regarding your flu symptoms, he will not be able to prescribe anything for you. Your doctor can run tests to determine whether or not you have the flu and he will suggest an over the counter flu medicine that will temporarily reduce your symptoms and provide you with short term relief. Over the counter medicines will not get rid of the flu. If you are unsure whether or not you have the flu or some other type of illness, take into account your symptoms to help you make the determination. Not all flu symptoms are experienced by everyone who contracts this illness. Some people experience every symptom imaginable while others only experience one or two. One of the most significant symptoms of the flu is a fever; running a fever is one of the most obvious symptoms that you have the flu versus the common cold. Since the symptoms of the flu and the common cold are so similar, the fever is one of the easiest ways to differentiate between the two. Along with a potential fever, people suffering from the flu can experience other symptoms that include a runny nose, congestion, a sore throat and chills. Body aches and fatigue will accompany these symptoms. Unlike the common cold, symptoms of the flu are quick to appear. You will wake up one morning feeling horrible with a myriad of symptoms. With the common cold, you will begin experiencing symptoms over several days until one day the culmination of all of your symptoms makes you feel terrible. With the flu, this happens immediately. Fortunately, symptoms of the flu often recede more quickly than those of the flu. If you experience symptoms in addition to regular flu symptoms you should contact your doctor immediately. Many illnesses share the same symptoms and it is always best to practice precaution.

What are the signs and symptoms of endocarditis?

There are many different signs and symptoms of endocarditis. Some symptoms are, flu like symptoms, shortness of breath, blood in the urine, and swelling of the feet.