

Best Answer

Drinking cans are the most common, followed by aluminum foil. Google would probably be a better one for this question though if you want more than that.

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Q: What are some common items with aluminum?
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What are some common compounds of aluminum?

Aluminum is an element (pure metal), not a compound.

What are some common items using different types of metals?

copper in wires, gold and/or silver in rings and other jewelry, iron in the frame of a car, Aluminum in a soda pop can.

What are some aluminum items?

cans on newer cars most of the engine. the transmission. brake parts

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Some items that start with 'a' are:apple, apple pie, apple tartaglet (the doodad that keeps your shoelace from fraying at the end)aluminum foilabacusaccentaddendumalmsalmondaxeadz

Common name of aluminum?

Aluminum is the common name of the element with the symbol Al.

What are some common uses of aluminum?

soda cans, foil, planes, etc.

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What common items contain argon?

some lightbulbs

Is aluminum in everyday objects?

Aluminium is a very common metal: aluminium foils, aluminium cans, kitchen items, cables, boxes for instruments etc.

What are some common household items that begin with the letter I?

Umbrella, underwear, uniform and utensils are common household items. They begin with the letter u.

What is the most common compound that has aluminum?

The most common compound that has aluminum is aluminium oxide, Al2O3.