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Q: What are some common reasons to feel bladder pressure and to see blood when you urinate?
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What are some common gallstones symptoms?

The common symptoms for gallstones is a sharp pain in the abdomen region. This is also accompanied by paid when urinating or needed to urinate due to the pressure the bladder when full puts on the gallbladder.

What are the signs of overactive bladder?

The obvious sign of overactive bladder is the need to frequently urinate. A common symptom is waking up several times each night to urinate, or needing to use the bathroom every couple of hours. Abdominal pain and fear of long car rides are also signs of an overactive bladder.

What the symptoms of bladder infection?

The most common symptom of a bladder infection is a burning sensation when urinating. Urine that is discolored or with a foul odor sometimes occurs, as is a frequent feeling that one needs to urinate.

Is lower abdominal pressure common with bladder and kidney infection?

yes it can be a kidney infection

What is urge incontinence and where do you get it?

Some of the symptoms of urge incontinence are loss of urine when you exert pressure on your bladder by laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Often you will have a sudden urge to urinate and then accidently urinate. If you have these symptoms, or feel that there is a problem, you should contact your physician.

What are the most common signs of an over active bladder?

The most common signs are frequent urination, urgency of urination, having to urinate in the middle of the night (3 or more times) & urge incontinence.

What are the most common symptoms of an over active bladder in women?

An overactive bladder in women can have a few symptoms. The first is a sudden urge to urinate. Secondly, it can be associated with above average frequency of urination. Lastly, it can cause nighttime urination.

What are some symptoms of bladder cancer?

Symptoms of bladder cancer include blood or blood clots in urine. If it's painful to urinate that may also be another sign of bladder cancer. It can be caused by smoking or even radiation from chemo. Speak with your doctor if you are suffering from these syptoms or have a family history of bladder cancer.

What are the symptoms for a bladder infection?

Cystitis, more commonly referred to as a bladder infection, is an inflammation of the bladder. More than 50% of women will have this condition at some point in their life. Men rarely get this type of infection, but the risk does increase with age for. If left untreated, this infection can lead to more serious conditions. What are the symptoms of a bladder infection.The first sign that you may have a bladder infection is a burning sensation when you urinate. You may also notice that you need to urinate more frequently. When you do go to use the restroom, only a small amount of urine may be passed. This is true even when the urge to pass urine is overwhelming. When you do pass urine, it may be bloody or cloudy. Often, it will be accompanied by a foul odor that is very strong.You may have spasms of the bladder when you have an infection. An infection of this type is often accompanied by a low-grade fever. Some patients experience a feeling of pressure in the lower portion of the abdomen. Others have reported discomfort in the pelvis. Children, after being completely potty-trained, who have wetting accidents during the day may have a bladder infection. A doctor will need to make a diagnosis when this is the case.If the infection is severe or has spread to the kidneys, you may notice mental confusion or lethargy in elderly patients. When the infection is accompanied by fever, chills, vomiting, back or abdominal pain, this is a sign that the condition is more severe. The infection may have moved to the kidneys or prostate. Symptoms such as this may mean that you have a tumor in either the kidney or bladder. Urinary tract stones will have similar symptoms also.If you are experiencing these symptoms, seek medical care. Bladder infection symptoms, when accompanied by a genital discharge, may indicate a sexually transmitted disease or pelvic inflammatory disease. Only a doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis so the proper treatment may be used.

What type of urine incontinence in common in women?

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is the most common form of female bladder weakness. It happens when the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder are weak and when we laugh or cough it increases the pressure on the bladder and the pelvic floor muscles cannot tighten to keep the urine in.

Do you know what signs to look for when your gallbladder is acting up?

The most common symptom of gall bladder problems is an increase in the frequency of the need to urinate. If you notice any urinary problems it is best to see a doctor.

Urinate feeling during sex?

Having to unrinate during sex is very common. In women, the bladder is very close to the vaginal wall, and intercourse causes movement near the bladder creating a "need to urinate" sensation. This can also occur in men. During sex, if the woman's pelvis is pushing against the man's stomach, this can cause pressure on the bladder. If this occurs frequently, see a doctor. It could be a prostate-related issue. Urinating before intercourse is helpful.