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Q: What are some complications associated with dorsogluteal injections?
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What are some complications associated with balanitis?

There is a wide variety of complications associated with balanitis. These include irritation,infection, pain, discomfort, excessive swelling and problems passing water.

What do some risks associated with fetal surgery include?

infection of the incision or lining of the uterus, premature labor and delivery, bleeding, gestational diabetes, leakage of amniotic fluid, and infertility as well as those complications associated with anesthesia

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For me it was but there is some complications associated with it...

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Hydrocelectomy is considered a safe surgery, with only a 2% risk of infection or complications. Injury to spermatic vessels can occur, however, and affect the man's fertility.

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Anti-depressents can lead to low birth weight which carries risks such as heart problems, children diabetes, and other health complications known by science.

What are some complications with pregnancy if you are young?

I know that one of the complications is increased risk of miscarrage.

Do rabbits need injections?

In some places in the world, rabbits do not need injections (like Canada), but in other places in the world, rabbits do need injections to protect them against myxomatosis and VHD (like the UK).

What are the indications of ceaserian?

due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian. due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian.

What are some common complications of stomach stapling?

Some common complications of stomach stapling are: infection, blood clots, hernia formation, bleeding, vitamin deficiency, breakdown of the staples, and complications of the anesthesia.

What are some face lift alternatives without having an operation?

You can buy serums and creams that help to rejuvenate the skin. Also I have seen some people use Botox injections or collagen injections for this.

Explain the terms injections and leakages along with some factors?
