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Q: What are some conplications in pregnancy?
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Henry VIII didn't get rid of Jayne Seymour She died of conplications after giving birth to Edward VI

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Can pregnancy symptoms come and go in early pregnancy?

Yes some people do experience this in their pregnancy.

Can vaccines cause problems in pregnancy?

Yes, some can. Some vaccines are safe in pregnancy, and others are not. Your doctor can tell you what vaccines are right for you before, during and after pregnancy.

What are the name of all pregnancy test before and during pregnancy?

Pre-natal: before conception Ante-natal: During pregnancy Post-Natal: after the pregnancy there are so many tests that are done, some compulsory and some optional, some are blood tests some are urine tests and some are just measurement tests.

Will vaginal becomes some how loose after missed period is that a pregnancy symptom?

This is not a symptoms of pregnancy.

Does your face break out during pregnancy?

Some women experience blemishes during pregnancy.

Is an early pregnancy test the same to just a pregnancy test?

It all depends on how much of the pregnancy hormone (HcG) the pregnancy test can detect. Some detect as low as 10 mg of the hormone, and some take up to 100 mg.

Does every woman leak colostrum during pregnancy?

No, not every woman leaks colostrum during pregnancy. Some women do, some do not. It is different with each pregnancy as well. A woman might leak during her first pregnancy and not her second or she might leak during every pregnancy or never during any pregnancy. Either way is NORMAL.

When things taste metallic is it a sign of pregnancy?

Some women get funny tastes but it is not a sign of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy you will get is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure.

When shall you do your pregnancy test?

You shall do your pregnancy test after you have sex and get some synthoms that you're pregnant

Is tissue discharge normal during pregnancy?

is it normal to have some discharge tissue during pregnancy