

What are some countries that use plutocracy government?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are some countries that use plutocracy government?
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How do you use plutocracy in a sentence?

California is much closer to a plutocracy than a grass-roots democracy

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The countries that usually need a transitional government are countries which have just been through a coup or a civil war. Some of the countries include Somalia and Afghanistan.

How do you use the word plutocracy in a sentence?

When you say it's a "rule of the rich", as in the Golden Rule (he who has the gold, rules)."This plutocracy keeps the poor aware of everything...or not."

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I fear that America is already ruled by a plutocracy devoted to pro ecclesia et commercia.

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There are many countries which have democracy, but the best known is probably the United States.

Why doesn't other countries use the US Constitution?

cause they have there own government

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if you werent so supid you would know!

How can you use governer in a sentence?

Some sentences that include the word "constitutional government" include:1. We need constitutional government. 2. Constitutional government will help us (Americans) stay together.3. Some countries don't have a constitutional government and that's why they live in an autocratic government which is a government in which someone has as much power as they want, kind of like Hitler.

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. This is homework and we don’t do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.