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Q: What are some cultural traditions from west African nations that you still use today?
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Slavery influenced African American culture by impacting language, music, cuisine, and traditions. Enslaved people had to create new forms of expression to communicate and survive, leading to the development of unique cultural practices that blended African and American influences. These cultural elements are still present in African American communities today.

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Yes, African masks are still used in various traditional ceremonies and cultural events across the African continent. They hold deep cultural and spiritual significance for many communities, and continue to be an important part of their heritage and artistic expression.

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Is the Chinese New Year a religious holiday?

It is generally secular as it is a cultural celebration of Chinese traditions and customs, but there are Buddhist, Taoist and Confucianist influences.

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Yes. Aboriginal paintings are still done. Elders still do paintings for cultural reasons, to pass on stories and traditions, but many younger indigenous people paint for the tourism value.

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Africans are still weak in decision making as they are still learning to run their countries without interference from Europe. Up until recently, many African nations were simply territories of Europe.

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Culture and traditions of UAE?

The predominant culture in the UAE is Islamic, as such the rules, regulations (Sharia) and cultural beliefs are upheld. Traditions and local cultural practices include: fishing, falconry, pearl diving as well as the farming of camel and dates. All these pre-date the exploitation of natural gas and oil deposits of the region, but are still highly regarded as traditional activities.

What challenges did new African nations face?

New African nations have the ever present problem in economics, and famine. While a country abundant in natural resources it is still a poor and under-developed country. Famine and disease run rampant, and civil-war covers the continent.

How did African slaves influence the Caribbean islands?

African slaves influenced the Caribbean islands by bringing their culture, languages, music, and culinary traditions, which enriched the cultural diversity of the region. Their forced labor also played a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural and economic development of the Caribbean. Additionally, they contributed to the development of unique art forms, such as dance and storytelling, that are still celebrated today.

Is Chinese New Year a religious holiday?

To a certain extent, yes, due to Buddhist, Taoist and Confucianist influences. However, it is by and large still a cultural celebration of Chinese customs and traditions.

What are Yogyakarta's traditions?

Yogyakarta traditions are Javanese , since Keraton Yogyakarta , which used to be kingdom of Mataram which ruled all over Java island in the past, is the central of Javanese tradition. Yogyakarta is part of democratic country of Indonesia, but it still have a kingdom and stay as sultanate as cultural symbol.