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fill his locker with different sports balls (tennis, soccer, basket balls) and put up a sign that says "I finally got up enough balls to ask you to turnabout!!!!" Get a toy truck and put cinnamon buns in the back and write a note that says ''i'd love to haul your buns to turnabout'' Get a plain white T shirt and write in permanent marker ''Will you go to turnabout with...'' and then write a whole bunch of other girls names in washable marker and your name in permanent marker. Tell him to wash the shirt to find out who's asking! Put a slip of paper in a fortune cookie asking him to turnabout and have a bunch of other normal fortune cookies and give him all of them.

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9y ago

Having confidence is key to asking a guy out. Once you feel comfortable talk to him and find out if he's thinking about going and if he has a date. If he says no there's your chance.

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Q: What are some cute ways to ask a boy to a turnabout?
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What are some cute ways to ask a boy to turnabout?

Well I'm no expert but i think u should always give him attention and hug him a lot smile laugh with him just TALK!!if he looks away during your conversation and looks at other girls he is obviously NOT interested!

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Being yourself when you ask a boy out to a dance is always considered cute. However, you can also do it by sending a cute text message or while talking on the phone.

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The best way to ask a guy out is to invite him to an event that he would like to go to. With this strategy, you will let him know that you considered him.

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Hello there! I did some research to find some cute ideas on how to ask! If you visit this blog and scroll to the bottom you will find loads of ways to ask to dances! Good luck :)

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cute is a matter of opinion to some it is and to others it isnt. you need to ask yourself if you think it is cute

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There are a lot of cute ways to ask a guy to Sadie's with a Disney theme. One way may be to recreate the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp.

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Ask a cute girl what her e-mailaddress is. Better yet, ask her phone number.

What are some cute ways for a guy to ask a girl to a dance?

Well, You could sent her a card with flowers and have it say that, maybe some chocolates with a note or if you REALLY are going for it then maybe some type of jewelry. You could think of a million thing but you just need to be yourself and Be Creative!

Cute question to ask a boy?

For what purpose? There are so many cute questions you can ask. Like if it's a guy friend ask him how his day went. If it's ur boyfriend and you want to ask him a cute question, then ask him how much he loves you.