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Q: What are some derivatives of the word Neptune?
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What are some derivatives for latin word multi?

Some derivatives for the Latin word "multi" include "multiple", "multiply", and "multitude".

What are some derivatives of the greek word metron?

Some derivatives of the Greek word "metron" include "metric," "metre," "meter," and "metronome."

What are some English derivatives of the Latin word 'teneo'?

Some English derivatives of the Latin word 'teneo' include "retain," "contain," "tenant," and "tenacious."

What are the English derivatives of the latin word sedet?

The English derivatives of the Latin word "sedet" include "sedentary" and "sediment."

What are some derivatives of the Latin word laborat?

labor, laborer

What are some derivatives of the Latin word cadit?

Cadence, cascade, casualty, decadence.

What part of speech is the word derivatives?

The word derivatives is a noun. It is the plural form of the noun derivative.

What are some french derivatives of the latin word audire?

Some French derivatives of the Latin word "audire" include "audition" (audition), "auditeur" (listener), and "auditoire" (auditorium).

What are derivatives for the latin word simia?

The derivatives for the Latin word "simia" include "simian" in English and "singe" in French.

What are some derivatives for intrat?

Some derivatives for "intrat" could include "intra-" and "intr."