

What are some detective story names?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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You need to invent your own names - writers who copy ideas from other people end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money.

I use online name generators for the names of my secondary characters - the main characters, I take my time and choose special names from baby name books!

Click on the LINKS for character name generator websites!

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You need to invent your own names if you're going to be a writer. Don't depend on some anonymous person on the internet to invent your characters for you!I use online name generators for the names of my secondary characters - the main characters. I take my time and choose special names from baby name books!Writers who copy ideas from other people can also end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money.Click on the LINK for a character name generator!

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i highley reccomond doing this: fave colour & animal = ...... <~ tht will be ur detective name, e.g : pink turtle.

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A Detective Story - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-15 UK:PG