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Q: What are some devices that involve electromagnetic waves that we can't see?
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Kind of electromagnetic radiation used to examining the inside of a weild in a steel oil pipe?

I think they use frequency modulated sound waves rather than electromagnetic waves as to be honest i cant think of an em wave that would work.

What materials reflect electromagnetic waves?

Any good conductor reflects lower frequency electromagnetic waves up through the microwave bands, polished surfaces (these do not have to be conductors) reflect electromagnetic waves in the IR/visible/UV frequency range, almost nothing reflects (except at very very shallow angles) x-ray/gamma ray electromagnetic waves.

Which electromagnetic wave transfers the greatest amount of energy which type would transfer the least energy?

i think you cant classify electro magnetic waves. all em waves have sam energy.

Why cant sound waves travel through empty space?

Sound waves are mechanical waves, NOT electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves need a substance to pass through, that is, they need some sort of surface to vibrate against to send compression waves through to the surrounding air. Electromagnetic waves however may travel through empty space as they have no need for a surface, instead, they need only electric and magnetic fields that are present in empty space to pass through. (vibrating electric fields will, in turn, vibrate the magnetic field, which will then trigger a nearby electric field to vibrate, which will make another magnetic field to vibrate, and this is how electromagnetic waves may travel through empty space, but mechanical waves may not)

What are 2 energy waves that cant be seen?

Heat waves (infared) and sound waves.

Can compression waves be transmitted through a vacuum of space?

no the only waves that can go through space is the electromagnetic waves and it doesnt need sound or matter to travel.compressional waves have to come off of something and travel{like sound} it cant travel because there is nothing to travel through.the vacuum of space is just nothing and only light can go through as well, but it takes time.

Why can radio waves travel through space but sound waves cant?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves that need a medium to propagate. This can be air,water or solids. Sound waves work like a truck hitting a line of cars. The wave travels through the line from back to front but would not if there were no cars. Radio waves, like light are electromagnetic waves and don't require a medium to radiate. That is why we see Sunlight but do not hear the constant roar of the Sun's fusion activity.

What happens when p waves and S waves try to pass through the outer core?

s waves cant travel through it

Can sound waves be reflected explain why they can or cant?


Is sound compression waves that can be heard?

yes i cant answer it

What cant secondary waves travel through?


Why does UV radiation and radio waves have such different affects?

uv rays can give u sunburns but radio waves cant