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Beavers live in huts, dolphins like holes.

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Q: What are some differences in a beaver and dolphin habitat?
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Related questions

What are some topics about dolphins?

Appearance, habitat, reproduction, behavior, careers with dolphins, and dolphin conservation are some ideas.

What habitat does a dolphin live in?

They live in water, some species live in salt water, others live in fresh water.

What some differences between dolphins and sharks?

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

What habitat does the dolphin live in?

Dolphins always live in WARM environment so that their skin doesn't get cold. They always live in water of course. Dolphin's live in the ocean and some certain rivers.

Why do bananas grow behind dolphin's ears?

Because when you plant the banana seeds in the ear of a dolphin they grow into bananas. its a very simple process. all you need is the seeds, some water, some sunlight, oh and a dolphin. the reason they grow behind the ears is because the ears provide a safe habitat for which they can grow.

What kinds of species live with a dolphin?

In their ocean habitat, Dolphins live among the species: Fish (Their food), Some tropical fish, krill...

What are some dolphin features?

to be dolphin models

Who is giselle is dolphin bay ele?

Will.... There many Giselle's in dolphin bay, some may be mean and some may be nice. Some kids in dolphin bay many not like some giselle in dolphin bay.

What are some dolphin breeds starting with D?

Dusky Dolphin.

How many different freshwater dolphins are there in world?

There are numerous species of wild dolphins around the world and there are thousands of them left. But, because of pollution and habitat destruction their numbers are on a downward trend. Some species of dolphins like the Chinese Pink Dolphin or the Indian Ganges Dolphins are critically endangered while there are some other species whose numbers are quite stable. But still, pollution and loss of habitat is greatly endangering these beautiful creatures.

What state is some times called Beaver state?

Oregon is called "The Beaver State". Early Oregon history involved the beaver. the beaver is the official state animal.

What are some specie of dolphins?

There is the Bottle-Nosed Dolphin, the Boto Dolphin, the Hourglass Dolphin, and more!