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Venus, her Roman name

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Q: What are some different names for Aphrodite?
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What are different names for Aphrodite?

No there is not another name for Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of love!! Hopefully this helps!!

Why is Aphrodite called Venus?

She was called different names by different people.

What were Aphrodite's daughters' names?

Aphrodite had sons.

What are the similarities of Venus goddess and Ahprodite goddess?

Venus and Aphrodite are the same person just different names

What are some goddess names?

Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Nike, Amphitritem, Artemis, Calypso ect.

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How are Aphrodite and Zeus different?

Aphrodite couldn't die

What are the names aphrodite was called by?

Cytherea, Cypris.

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What are the names of the gods on the test by Aphrodite on mythology island?

Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Hestia.