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Q: What are some disadvantages to scratch cooking?
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Why is it called cooking for scratch?

Because of the creativity involved in preparing a homemade meal this involves thinking which could cause one to "Scratch" ones head... thus, the term cooking from scratch.

What is the name of cooking dessert from ingredients?

When you cook a dessert using recipe ingredients, you are cooking from scratch.

What is scraping in cooking?

its when you make a recipe from scratch or other wise called scraping.

What is cooking scratch?

Most likely you mean 'from scratch' cooking which means taking ingredients that aren't previously prepared and adding them together to create a dish. For example, biscuits made from Bisquick are not from scratch but biscuits where I measured out the flour, baking powder, etc. are

What are the disadvantages of cooking with plastic utensils?

if the food is hot it will melt it

What is speed scratch cooking?

"speed scratch" cooking is when you take a commercially prepared product [i.e. a box cake mix] and add a few other ingredients and make something else [such as chocolate chip cookies] from it. Since the measuring of dry ingredients is already done, the process is sped up, thus "speed scratch".

Advantages n disadvantages of conservative cooking?

You can google these or ask your parents

What is the typical cooking time when preparing beans from scratch in a bean pot?

They typical cooking time for booking beans in a pot is about two hours. It depends on how soft you like them.

What are the advantages of moist of cooking?

what are the advantages and disadvantages of moist method of cooking Import Top Equipments from China Contact Quality Manufacturers Now

When cooking on a hob why should you always use a wooden or mixing spoon?

because metal utensils can scratch the pans

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a gas stoves?

ADVANTAGES OF GAS STOVEaccurate cooking temperatureevenly distributed heatlower heat emissionsfaster cooking timedo not use power

What are the Disadvantages of removing cooking string before cooking?

Removing cooking will loosen the meat and cause it to cook differently. Thinner areas will cook more quickly and become drier than desired.