

What are some drinks like monster energy?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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red bull



all energy given drinks

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Q: What are some drinks like monster energy?
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Which brands of energy drinks have been proven to be dangerous?

Five Hour Energy could be a possible cause in some deaths. There are also unsafe levels of caffeine in energy drinks like Monster, Redbull, and Rockstar. They can be dangerous to your heart in some cases.

Are monster drinks bad for your liver?

if your talking about monster energy drinks, then no. they are just the same as any other energy drink, sugar, water, flavor, and caffeine. and some other crap/herbs. nothing to be worried about.

Can red bull vending machines hold monster drinks?

Obviously if it says 'Red Bull' vending machine. Then I don't think it will hold 'Monster' drinks. Sorry! Try some others...

How are energy drinnks good for you?

Dear Anonymous User, Well, all energy drinks would be considered good because they give you energy, but there may be some that you find more preferable than others. In my opinion Monster, Red Bull, and Cocaine are the best energy drinks. If you don't find any of the three that I gave you preferable than look it up. Vista Cruzer

What effects does monster energy drinks have on the human body?

Well it all depends on your body. There are many different things to consider like height, weight, sugar levels and ect. For some people it can have affects like panic attacks or get them very shakey. Or there are people who it doesn't even really affect at all.

Do energy drinks make you sterile?

Only if they are nuclear energy drinks! Energy drinks are packed full of fruit and veggies, protein powder, vitamins, some have added sugar and caffeine. There is nothing in an energy drink that affects your reproductive organs.

When your pregnant dose the baby get harm if you drink engery drinks like monster?

What you eat and drink goes to the baby, in a more diluted and mushed up way. So if you drink energy drinks, which have a lot of caffeine in them it will go to the baby. It probably will not affect your baby long term, but will not have a good short term effect. A baby cannot cope with things like that, just as it cannot cope with alcohol, which will does have a lifetime effect on some. Try to steer clear of these drinks.

What do energy drinks and energy bars contain that gives energy to people who consume them?

Caffeine of some sort

What is the difference between Energy drink and alcholic drink?

energy drinks consists of high amount of caffiene and taurine, which produces CNS stimulatory effect and muscular energy viceversa, where as alcoholic drinks produce depression effect. energy drinks should be taken in optimum and not regularly. there are some adentages with alcoholic drinks though like delays gastric emptying and anti-oxidant properties. which encourages the intake of the wine in conjuction with food

Does energy drinks have alcoholic?

Some alcoholic beverages have caffeine and other ingredients. Drinks that are sold as "energy drinks" would be defeating their purpose by including beverage alcohol, as it is a central nervous system depressant -- the opposite of an energy drink. Some may include small quantities of other alcohols that are not an issue in terms of drinking, but no, if they are not sold as alcoholic beverages, like beer and wine, they are non-alcoholic.

Is it bad to mix Gatorade and Alcohol?

It isn't bad to mix Gatorade and alcohol. Some of the most popular drinks are mixed with energy drinks like Red Bull.

Do energy drinks cause you to crash?

An eventual, sudden decrease in energy is inevitable after consuming any sort of energy enhancer. Though 5 Hour energy drinks are healthier than Monster, Red Bull or Rockstar energy drinks, a crash will occur at or around the completion of five hours.