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Q: What are some effects of a tornado?
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Related questions

Can a tornado effect your health?

Yes. A tornado can easily injure or kill you. Some injuries may have lasting effects.

Can you tell me two harmful effects of a tornado can you please tell me two effects of a tornado?

Death or loss of home or, in cases, both.

What are the Political effects of tornadoes?

the political effects are where the goverment is damaged by the outcome of the tornado.

Does dust tornado negate effects of magic and traps?

No, Dust Tornado is a destruction card but not a negation card.

What are the effects and concerns of a tornado?

Tornadoes cause major property damage and often kill and injure people. The main concerns regarding tornadoes are these effects and warning people when a tornado is coming.

How many people died in Xenia oh tornado?

The Xenia, Ohio tornado of 1974 killed 32 people directly. Two others died from indirect effects of the tornado.

What effect could a tornado do to the stuff on the ground?

Tornadoes can lift up some objects and badly damage or destroy vegetation and man made structures. The specific effects vary considerably depending on the strength of the tornado and what it hits.

What effects the tornado on the earths surface?

Once a tornado touches down, very little has a major impact on it. An established tornado can pass over buildings, trees, hills, and even mountains without weakening. The tornado is more affected by the air masses within a thunderstorm. In terms of effects the tornado has, vegetation and man made structures in the tornado's path are usually damaged or destroyed. In the most violent tornadoes of the top 0.5% or so roads and topsoil may be stripped away.

What were the effects on the landscape in the Joplin tornado?

The Joplin tornado did not cause extensive ground scouring as some EF5 tornadoes do, but it still destroyed many thousands of trees and man-made structures and scoured pavement from parking lots. About a quarter of the buildings in Joplin suffered some degree of damage.

What is a tornado alarm?

A tornado alarm or tornado siren is a loud siren found in some tornado prone areas that sounds when a tornado warning is issued.

How does tornado effect?

A tornado effects the world, in many ways. Firstly, it can effect people, the environment, animals etc. Since a tornado is a really dangerous type of storm with all different kinds of harmful bacteria.

Negative tornado effects?

Loss of homes and buildings, injuries, fatalities, overall devastation.