

Best Answer
  • Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury.
  • The winner of the contest will dine at the expense of the other.

Each pilgrim will tell four stories - two on the way to Canterbury and two on the return trip. AND Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury, and the innkeeper proposes a contest.

A.Once all the stories have been told, the innkeeper will choose a winner.

C.Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury.D.The innkeeper is the one who proposes the contest.

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7y ago
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1mo ago

"The Canterbury Tales" follows a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Thomas Becket. Each pilgrim tells a story to pass the time, resulting in a rich tapestry of medieval English society, with themes of social class, morality, and human nature. The work is known for its variety of genres, characters, and perspectives on life.

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14y ago

The Canterbury Tales are linked together by the theme of a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Thomas a'Becket, the murdered Archbishop of Canterbury. On the journey, the various members of the traveling group take turns entertaining each other with tales, some ribald, others amusing. The journey takes place in spring and the famous prologue celebrates the arrival of that season.

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9y ago

Each pilgrim will tell four stories - two on the way to Canterbury and two on the return trip.
Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury, and the innkeeper proposes a contest, Once all of the stories have been told, the inkeeper will select the winner.

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9y ago

Each pilgrim will tell four stories - two on the way to Canterbury and two on the return trip.
Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury, and the innkeeper proposes a contest, Once all of the stories have been told, the inkeeper will select the winner.

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7y ago

The Pilgrims are assembled at an inn on the way to Canterbury, and the innkeeper proposes a contest, Once all of the stories have been told, the innkeeper will select the winner.

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The date cannot be determined exactly, but the 1380s are probably the most likely, as the Tales mention various events at the beginning of that time period. But no later than 1400 as Chaucer died that year.

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Each pilgrim will tell two tales on the way to Canterbury, and two more on the road home. Chaucer never finished his poem - so in the fragments we have no pilgrim tells more than one tale (and some never get to speak at all).

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