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Q: What are some examples of dissociation dispersion and ionization?
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Are Arrhenius bases an electrolyte?

All acids and bases are electrolytes. Some are more powerful than others, depending on the extent of ionization and dissociation of the solution.

What is the difference between ionization radiation and radiation?

Ionizaton is the process in which molecular compounds dissolve in water. Dissociation is the process in which positive and negative ions of an ionic solid mix with the solvent to form a solution. Hope This Helped!! ~Starcoach25(:

What is active and passive dispersion in plants and animals with examples?

Active dispersion: Believe it or not, some plants actually 'throw out' seeds. This is the only active dispersion I know of. An educated guess would be plants that send out shoot underground to grow farther away from the mother plant. Example would be plant's like yaupon and ruellia. (Another example is the touch-me-not, also called impatiens or jewelweed.) Passive dispersion: This would be dispersion by wind or animals. Examples would be things like the seeds of dandelions that are blown away from the mother plant by the wind. Stickers and burs get caught in the fur of animals and are deposited somewhere esle. This also happens when animals eat plants. Often times the seeds are not digested. They pass throught the digestive system and are excreted with feces.

What is the separation of a compound into its constituent ions?

This process is called electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process of decomposition of a compound in its molten or aquous state allows electricity to flow through it and in turn gets dissociated into ions.

What is an example that illustrates a chemical property?

burning paper1. Flammability2. Oxidation3. Heat/Light4. radioactivity5. Fizzing6. Bubbling7. RustingExamples of chemical properties include reactivity with H2O, combustion, electromotive force and PH.

An oil film on the surface of water shows continously changing colours?

what phenomenon are their colours dependent on?-scattering, diffraction, interference, dispersion,etc. please also give some other examples from day to day life of these phenomena .

Why does sugar turn to a brown liquid on heating?

On heating sugar suffer a reaction of thermal dissociation; some new compounds are formed an also carbon. The dissociation depends on the temperature and the time of heating.

What ionizes water?

Water has an ionization constant of 10-14 and there is always some small degree of spontaneous ionization in liquid water, resulting from random thermal motion. At high temperatures, ionization increases. Any compound will dissociate at a sufficiently high temperature.

The process by which some molecular compounds dissolve in water to form ions is?


What are the whiskers of a box plot?

They are some measure of the dispersion or range of numbers in the set of data.

Is it ionization energy is a periodic property?

Ionization energy generally increases across a period as a result of a higher nuclear charge, however there are some exceptions such as Boron which has a lower ionization energy than Beryllium (because it is in a P orbital), and Oxygen which has a lower ionization energy than nitrogen (Because ionization decreases the electron electron repulsion in its orbitals).

Why do scientists use two separate terms to describe diffusion and osmosis?

Diffusion describes dispersion of a contaminant through a bulk fluid. Osmosis describes dispersion of a contaminant through a membrane or divider of some sort.