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Hip-Hop or Rap music of an innovation that diffused from low-income African-Americans in which originated in urban areas.

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Q: What are some examples of hierarchical diffusion?
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What is hierarchical diffusion?

hierarchical diffusion is diffusion from higher class to lower. King to citizens. Movie stars to regular people

What are the types of cultural diffusion?

contagious diffusion, relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, hierarchical diffusion.

What the difference between contagious diffusion and hierarchical diffusion?

contagious diffusion is strongly associated with local distance effects, whereas hierarchical diffusion often involves the leapfrogging of innovations among widely separated places

What is the definition of hierarchical diffusion?

Hierarchical diffusion is the spread of a feature or trend from one key person or node of authority or power to other persons or places.

What are some examples of passive transport?

diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis

What are some examples of cultural diffusion in southern California?

Some examples of cultural diffusion in Southern California include the fusion of Mexican and American cuisine in the form of California burritos, the popularity of Asian-inspired street food like sushi burritos, and the incorporation of yoga and meditation practices from Eastern cultures into mainstream wellness routines. Additionally, the influence of Hollywood has spread American pop culture worldwide, further contributing to cultural diffusion in the region.

What are some examples of diffusion at school?

purfume farting

Are Contagious diffusion relocation diffusion expansion diffusion stimulus diffusion hierarchical diffusion similar?

They are all similar in the sense that they all relate to the spread of cultural traits like ideas, clothing, food, and language, but they all differ in respect to how the diffusion comes about. To pull from my notes, relocation diffusion is diffusion that occurs when people from any given culture migrate to a place with a different culture. Contagious diffusion is diffusion that occurs when something spreads to other places around it and affects almost everyone in its reach. Hierarchical diffusion is diffusion that occurs when people from a high class or social status begin a trend that spreads to the lower classes. Stimulus diffusion is diffusion that spreads to other cultures and adapts the diffused traits to better fit with the new culture (it is only the basic idea that spreads). If you need examples, let me know. So, TL;DR: Yes, they are similar, but they have distinct differences.

Three types of diffusion?

what id diffusion? what are the three types?Diffusion is the second important concept for understanding how culture change. type 1) expansion, type 2) relocation type 3) hierarchical

What are some examples of diffusion in school?

1.Steam from the cafeteria this is wrong

Is hinduism hierarchical or autonomous diffusion?

Autonomous. Judaism today does not have a hierarchy, except on a very small scale within each independent synagogue.

Osmosis and diffusion are examples of passive transport?

Yes, osmosis and diffusion are both examples of passive transport.