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Q: What are some examples of mental disorders that are caused by X-linked genes?
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What are examples ofmental health problems-?

Examples of the mental health problems includes the gender disorders, adjustment disorders and the impulse control disorders.

Mental retardation caused by what disorders is often apparent from infancy?

If retardation is caused by chromosomal or other genetic disorders, it is often apparent from infancy.

What are 3 examples ofm ental health problems?

Some of the problem associated with mental problems are the eating disorders,mood disorders and anxiety disorders.

What are behavior disorders or mental disorders?

These are kind of mental illnesses that affect our live a lot. They are more common than severe mental conditions such as schizophrenia, as they are usually caused by high levels of stress and a desire for perfectionism .

Mental disorders are usually caused by what?

Most appear to be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain of various neurotransmitters.

What distinguishes primary sleep disorders?

Primary sleep disorders are distinguished as those that are not caused by other mental disorders, prescription medications, substance abuse, or medical conditions.

What caused th high number of physical and mental disorders in Japan in 1953?

Mercury poisoning

What are some of the causes of mental illness?

Most, if not all, mental illness (as opposed to emotional disorders) is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, or by structural anomalies.

Can mental disorders cause you be to hostile?

yes. and.. so can people with mental disorders.

What is the difference between functional and organic mental disorder?

Organic Mental Health problems have an identifiable physical cause; such as in the dementias or some people with brain injury. Functional Mental Health Problems are not due to simple structural abnormalities of the brain. There is no 100% identifiable cause for these illnesses. The jury is still out.

What the caused of mental illness?

The majority of psychological disorders are thought to be caused by a complex combination of biological, genetic (hereditary), familial, and social factors or biopsychosocial influences.

Can does and will psychiatry ever produce any kind of mental disorders ever?

Psychiatry does not cause mental disorders. They diagnose and treat disorders but do not cause them.