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Q: What are some examples of mutations that benefited an organism?
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How do mutations organism?

Mutations can give an organism diseases and all kinds of malfunctions of their organs. It can affects their life span and how they live about. Some mutations can be awful like that, but other times it can be very helpful and actually help an organism have a better life.

Can some DNA mutations be beneficial to an organism?

Gene mutations may have positive or negative effects. Without "positive" gene mutations, a species would not be able to improve itself over time, in order to make it more it more adaptable to its environment. "Negative" gene mutations, by their very nature and definition, tend not to be able to survive in their environment.

How do mutation affect organism?

Mutations can give an organism diseases and all kinds of malfunctions of their organs. It can affects their life span and how they live about. Some mutations can be awful like that, but other times it can be very helpful and actually help an organism have a better life.

How mutation affect survival skills of an organism?

It depends on the mutation. Some mutations have no effect on survival, some mutations are lethal, and some mutations make an individual better adapted to its environment, so it will be more fit than those without the mutation, and therefore produce more offspring with the same mutation, which could change the allele frequency of a population.

How can a mutation in a gene cause a change in a organism's phenotype?

Mutations can cause a cell to produce an incorrect number of proteins during protein synthesis and the phenotype of the organism would be different from what it normally would have been. Some examples are when a cat has 6 toes or a lemur has white fur.

What are some examples of multicelluar organism?

examples are humans dogs cats animals

How can mutations affect an organism?

It depends on if it is in the germ line or in a somatic Cell. In the germ line a mutation can cause birth defects or lethal mutations. In somatic Cells it can cause cancer. The Genetic Mutation will have either of these effects: either beneficial or detrimental.

Are mutations in the DNA sequence gene transient changes?

Successful mutations will persist. Mutations usually occur during replication. Some mutations will flourish depending on environmental factors.

Will mutations that occur in body cells will always be life threatening to the organism?

Not necessarily. Some produce cancers but many are noncancerous.

What are examples of harmless mutations?

A neutral mutation has no benefit to the organism. It is neither helpful or harmful. One of the best examples are ear lobes or even ear shapes in general. Some people have attached ear lobes, some do not. Another is finger length. Most humans have similar finger lengths but there is a variation in these. One doesn't seem to give a benefit to the owner or harm that same owner.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence cause a change in a trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence causes a change in trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.