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they only have few rights

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Q: What are some examples of oligarchy laws?
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Related questions

What are some bad examples of Oligarchy?

Most follow religious laws or else

Who makes the laws in the oligarchy?

the white guy

In a oligarchy who makes the laws?

the white guy

What are some examples of oligarchic?

No countries now are under an Oligarchy but in the past, Russia (BC) and Etruscans (BC).

Non example of oligarchy?

what are non examples of an oligarchy

Who has the real power in an oligarchy?

In an oligarchy, power is centralized within a small group of powerful individuals. They basically make the laws and may chose selected individuals to join the oligarchy.

What are some examples of long words with a short o sound?

Some examples of long words with a short "o" sound include: ostracize, autobiography, notorious, philosophy, and oligarchy.

How are laws passed in an Oligarchy?

"Oligarchy" isn't a form of government, it's mostly used as an epithet to describe a degenerated, corrupt version of another governmental system. As such, there are many ways laws can be passed.

How are an oligarchy's laws passed?

"Oligarchy" isn't a form of government, it's mostly used as an epithet to describe a degenerated, corrupt version of another governmental system. As such, there are many ways laws can be passed.

What is some examples of Laws of Gravity?

Thins fall

What are some examples of city laws?

littering is not aloud

What some examples of societal laws?

traffic laws, civil laws, ethical laws, women laws, religious laws , tradition laws , cutlural laws.